Way to Go Class of 2010!!

Graduation, from pretty much anything, marks a major milestone of some kind or another. This last weekend my oldest daughter graduated from High School and a friend of mine walked her college commencement as the final note to her Ph.D.   Others recently graduated from preschool, kindergarten, college, trade school, and more.  When it comes down to it a graduation is a rite of passage, a ritual event that provides a display of a person’s progress from one place to another. It’s filled with a variety of emotions and often wrought with numerous words of wisdom.

I have a vague memory of my own high school graduation, and for personal reasons I did not attend my graduation from college or from my master’s program.  I do, however, remember how I felt completing each – enormous pride, a sense of accomplishment, and above all the belief that I could do or be anything.

Over the past couple of weeks I had the opportunity to attend a pre-graduation ceremony, two high school graduations and one baccalaureate.  Between all four there were numerous speeches, the presentation of various awards, music, prayers, and of course the doling out of the actual diplomas.  I heard addresses that encouraged these young adults to venture out into the world and attempt to put others first, to realize that their best days lie before them not behind, to have passion and dedication in the present, and to rise above the worries of the world. Some of the speeches were sprinkled with humor, and some were primarily on the side of typical and droll.  But it didn’t matter.  From my perspective everything I heard was genuine. The teachers, the principals, the board members, the valedictorians – all spoke from the heart and wished the best for the young people to whom they spoke.

And in spite of the hours spent attending these events, the entire experience was fun.  It was fun to watch the students walk down the aisles in their robes and graduation caps.  It was fun to see the few who dared to be different and do a dance across the stage or a back flip once the diploma was in hand.  It was fun to find myself caught up in the excitement that emanated throughout each auditorium and amongst the anxious rumblings of the students. And it was especially fun to view my daughter with her head held high and a beautiful smile strewn across her face as she participated in her high school’s ceremonies and accepted her much earned diploma.

And at the end of it all I once again found myself filled with pride, a sense of accomplishment, and a belief in one’s ability to do or be anything. Each of those young adults should feel good about their personal achievements, and I sincerely hope that they believe in their future. I could not have felt any more proud of my daughter, and the tears that streamed down my cheeks were not just to rue the girl that once was, but to celebrate the young woman that she is becoming. 

Graduation in and of itself is exciting, but honestly, it’s really about the thrill and anticipation of that next step.  Many of those who went through a commencement ceremony this spring won’t remember much of it. They won’t recall the various speeches, they won’t be able to name those who were at the top of their class, and they may have little memory of donning the robe and walking the aisles.  But more than likely they will remember how they felt, and most definitely they will remember their next steps on their life journeys. Whether they chose college, the military, or a job, they are onto a new adventure. Each of them is writing a new chapter to their life and I wish them all the courage to step through the doors that open before them, and the audacity to be passionate, to learn as they go, and to find true joy as they venture through this new phase.

Congratulations Class of 2010!!

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